
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wild Kingdom right here in my backyard!

I hate bugs.  

I know they were here before human beings and will be here long after I am gone.  I also know that I am much bigger than them and I can squish them in an instant with my big size 9 foot.  

But I seriously can’t stand them.  The only ones that don’t freak me out that bad are lightning bugs or fireflys and ladybugs and butterflys.  

All the rest can please vacate my backyard immediately. 

The other day, the kids and I went for a quick morning swim in our luxurious Intex swimming pool (that I hope to God does not spring another leak so we can make it through the summer with out buying a new one).  All was well and good for about 5 minutes.

Then they came. 

It started out with the big fat bumblebees.  Yes, I know, they are docile and don’t want anything to do with me.  But then tell me why do they divebomb my head??? 

Then we saw a wasp and my 7 year old son dove under the water to escape it, thank goodness he can hold his breath for a while. I believe my unfounded fear of bugs has transferred itself firmly to my son and is well on it’s way to my two year old daughter (I have never claimed to be a good Mom nor a brave one). 

Third up was the poisonous looking stripped spider in the corner of the tent used to shade the swing set area

(What the heck kind of spider is that???)

Lastly was the gigantic beetle in my daughter’s pool toy

(that beetle is HUGE)

I swear the bugs in my yard are on steroids.  Oh nature gods what have I done to offend thee that you must send the mutant and most scary insect beings into my little oasis of a yard.  Maybe I can make them an offering, I’ll sacrifice a can of Raid on a little nature alter and maybe then they’ll leave our yard alone.

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