
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Food Allergies. A story to make everyone aware of how serious they really are.

My son has food allergies.  

He is allergic to egg, peanuts, and tree nuts. 

Most people know how serious it is but every once in a while we run into someone who is uneducated or poorly educated in relation to how life threatening food allergies are.  

Please read the following story and if it moves you please help sponsor my son as he raises money to help promote food allergy awareness.  

Thank you.

Mom of peanut allergy victim.
Mom of peanut allergy victim: Her last words were 'I'm sorry'

Read more:

Team Evan

Thursday, August 22, 2013

One Massage Therapist's Thoughts: What I would like to share about being a Licensed MT

As a Massage Therapist (MT) here is what I would like to share with you.

I need to know if you are pregnant for your protection and mine.  Most MT’s will not massage you during your first three months of pregnancy because anything can happen during that time and we don’t want to be the cause of anything going wrong those first 12 weeks.

I would also like you to not show up for your massage if you have sunburn everywhere or over ½ of your body, if you have an infectious skin condition (like poison ivy), or if you are very sick.  None of these conditions are conducive for a massage. 

Sunburn can be very painful and I can’t massage your sunburned areas so your massage will be limited. 

Poison Ivy is contagious and let’s face it no one wants to have it and feel itchy all day long.  I would rather not expose myself to it, since I earn my money with my hands.  That being said if you have a small spot somewhere on your body that is no longer oozing and can be easily avoided, please show up for your massage, just let your MT know about it. 

Lastly if you are sick, massage will only make it more intensified, stay home so as not to infect the rest of the clients or the MT.

If you are late for your massage and I have clients after you, your massage will be shorter.  I can’t make the clients after you wait because you were late, whether it was your fault or not, I can’t do it.  If there are no clients after your appointment then I will make sure you get your full hour. 

Don’t be embarrassed of your body.  I really don’t care.  I am only interested in the body part I am working on and I am not secretly making notes to talk to the other MT’s about you.  I only truly want to help you and help you feel better.

Please call at least 24 hours in advance to cancel your appointment, if you don’t show up I do not get paid.  As an MT I am not a salaried employee, I only make money if you keep your appointment.  Although I do realize that there are emergencies and that sometimes a cancellation can not be 24 hours in advance.

Don’t assume that if you pay $60, $70, $80 for your massage that the MT is getting half that amount. Sometimes that is true but in most cases MT’s are paid as low as $15 an hour, the average is about $25 to $30 an hour.  That sounds like a lot until you consider that an MT can not work a full 40 hour work week and that many do not get benefits. 

I can only work a max of about 30 hours a week before I am in danger of hurting my hands and thumbs.  Besides I will also spend time after your session making notes so that I remember what techniques were used and what adhesions were found and where on the body they were found.  This is important so that next time I can be prepared for your visit.

So, if you ever think that you should not tip an MT because they make enough money, that is fine, it is your right.  But most MT’s are not even working a full 30 hour week and we really, really depend on your tips to help us make ends meet. Also if I did a good job and helped you maybe, just maybe, I earned that little extra bit.

That’s it, that’s all I really wanted to share with you about being an MT. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wild Kingdom right here in my backyard!

I hate bugs.  

I know they were here before human beings and will be here long after I am gone.  I also know that I am much bigger than them and I can squish them in an instant with my big size 9 foot.  

But I seriously can’t stand them.  The only ones that don’t freak me out that bad are lightning bugs or fireflys and ladybugs and butterflys.  

All the rest can please vacate my backyard immediately. 

The other day, the kids and I went for a quick morning swim in our luxurious Intex swimming pool (that I hope to God does not spring another leak so we can make it through the summer with out buying a new one).  All was well and good for about 5 minutes.

Then they came. 

It started out with the big fat bumblebees.  Yes, I know, they are docile and don’t want anything to do with me.  But then tell me why do they divebomb my head??? 

Then we saw a wasp and my 7 year old son dove under the water to escape it, thank goodness he can hold his breath for a while. I believe my unfounded fear of bugs has transferred itself firmly to my son and is well on it’s way to my two year old daughter (I have never claimed to be a good Mom nor a brave one). 

Third up was the poisonous looking stripped spider in the corner of the tent used to shade the swing set area

(What the heck kind of spider is that???)

Lastly was the gigantic beetle in my daughter’s pool toy

(that beetle is HUGE)

I swear the bugs in my yard are on steroids.  Oh nature gods what have I done to offend thee that you must send the mutant and most scary insect beings into my little oasis of a yard.  Maybe I can make them an offering, I’ll sacrifice a can of Raid on a little nature alter and maybe then they’ll leave our yard alone.

I WON!!! I never win, this is awesome

I got the following email today:


You have been selected as a winner of the FLOWER Beauty Facebook Giveaway. We can't wait for you to start using one of Drew Barrymore's favorite products. Please let us know if your current mailing address is different than the one you provided upon entering the Facebook giveaway. We will be sending out your prize within the next 4 to 6 weeks.  

Thank you again for entering, and we hope you continue to love and use FLOWER Beauty products.

The Flower Beauty Team

So Cool!!! Can't believe I won, I never win anything, this is awesome, because I love Drew Barrymore so I can't wait to try her products :)

Here is her site:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

West Norriton United

Click here to read all about it:  West Norriton United

I can't believe that Westover Golf Club may be gone soon if this Mega sports complex is created.  Westover is where I was married, it would be so sad to see it go!

Here is a picture of Greg and I and my nephew Aaron on our wedding day on the grounds of Westover Golf Club.

Petition: West Norriton Petition

The plans so far are to develop a complex with 5 soccer fields, 5 baseball fields, 5 basketball courts, 10 tennis courts, a football field, a track and parking for 1800 people!  Plus more!!!

I can't even imagine how the people who have homes surrounding this golf course feel about it changing to a Mega Sports Complex.  I wonder if the developers would volunteer to put a Mega Sports Complex in their own backyards and subject themselves to the traffic, noise & light pollution that would surely follow.

If tournaments would not be held here or if there were not SO many soccer fields and baseball fields, maybe it would become a more viable option.

What if  they developed it more as a park for the residents use only? One or two soccer fields or one or two baseball fields and a pool for residents use.  Maybe that would be more acceptable.

I for one would be sad to see Westover Golf Club change.

If you have any ties to the West Norriton area and can't imagine Port Indian Road changing to an even busier road than it already is then click on the link above or below and sign the petition to help stop this complex from becoming a reality. West Norriton Petition

Monday, August 5, 2013

ALEC exposed

Just discovered this website, seems like an interesting read.  I don't know about you but I am sick of Corporations in America getting a better deal than the average person and their CEO's making astronomical salaries while the workers they rely on to also get the job done get paid very poorly.  Check it out, I know I am going to read this website a little bit more.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

OH MY GOD!!! This cake is delicious!

Just made this cake and all I can say is OMG!!!!!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!

I found the recipe on Facebook from one of my friends posts.  It's the Cinnamon Roll Swirl Cake and it is great. VERY, VERY Fattening, but delicious!

Here is the recipe:


3 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup sugar
4 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cup milk
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup butter, melted

1 cup butter, soft to the point of almost melted*
1 cup brown sugar
2 Tbsp flour
2 Tbsp cinnamon

In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together except for the butter.
Once mixed; slowly pour in the butter. Stir into batter.
Pour into a greased 9x13 pan.
For the topping, mix all the ingredients together until well combined.
Drop evenly over the batter and swirl with a knife.
Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes.

2 cup powdered sugar
5 Tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla

While the cake is warm ~ drizzle the glaze over the cake. *This cake is outta this world!!!!!!*

Massage In Schools Program from The Australian News

This is a new program being implemented in Australia.  I find it very interesting and inspiring, maybe something more schools in the United States should consider.  I know that I feel so relaxed and happy after a massage.  Can you imagine a student who is worried over taking a certain test or having to deliver a speech that day?  I remember how I felt and how stressed I was, I didn't even know that word back then, but I could imagine how I would have felt after a "Massage Class", I would have worried less and felt more connected to my classmates too.

Massage in Schools Program: primary kids given massage classes as part of anti-bullying initiative from the Australian News